Course Description and Credit Information

Course Description:

This course provides landscape architects in-depth exploration of strategies and initiatives aimed at incorporating peatlands into Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) for climate action.  Peatland preservation assists in the preservation of ecosystem services. Peatland represents the largest global carbon stock in terrestrial ecosystems. Peatland drainage and degradation have a negative impact on people, the economy, and the environment. It delves into the importance of dialogue, collaboration, and open discussions with experts and stakeholders to address challenges and identify solutions. Key planning and implementation instruments include climate, wetland, peatland, land use strategies, National adaption plans (NAP process), nationally determined contributions, NDC implementation plans, mitigation actions: REDD++, NAMAs, policy, and regulatory frameworks are discussed. The course emphasizes practical approaches and lessons learned from global initiatives such as the Global Peatland Initiative, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the Greisot Maya Center, the Ramsar Convention, and the United Nations Environment Program.  Landscape architects are key players in the preservation of peatlands and preservation of the ecosystem services they provide.

Learning Objectives:

1. Attendees will understand the significance of peatland conservation for the variety of ecosystem services that they provide.

2. Attendees will comprehend the host of strategies being implemented and potential methods to ensure preservation. 

3. Attendees will comprehend the role landscape architects can play in the preservation of peatlands.

4. Attendees will explore case studies and experiences shared by speakers to enhance practical understanding and application of peatlands-related strategies.

 General Course Information






Pre-recorded webinar on the peatland conservation for the variety of ecosystem services


Industry Expert


US State Approvals

LA CES Approved


States: AK, AL, AR, CT, DC, DE, FL, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MD, MN, MI, MO, MS, NE, NH, NJ, NV, NM, OH, OK, OR, PA, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, WA, WI, WV, WY


North Carolina




New York
***Each licensee is responsible for determining if this course meets the state requirements


GA, MI, and MN  
**Explanation: There is no process to get courses pre-approved in your state, but there should be no issues getting this course approved.
If not approved, we will exchange it for another course or provide a full refund.

**See explanation


Canada Provinces and Territories

British Columbia

Yes, per reciprocity with LA CES


Yes, per reciprocity with LA CES

Course curriculum

    1. Peatland preservation and climate change

    1. Quiz

    1. Survey

About this course

  • $59.90
  • 3 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content