Course Description and Credit Information
Course Description:
This introductory course discusses how to implement ecological design concepts in various landscapes. Environmental considerations that need to be taken into account with every project are covered. From ecosystem resilience to carbon sequestration to energy efficient design to waste and water management, achieving a more sustainable environment is at the core of this learning experience.
Learning Objectives:
1. Understand over arching concepts associated with ecological design.
2. Comprehend specific methods for implementing ecologically sustainable design.
3. Learn about the interdependence of ecological concepts.
General Course Information
Credits |
Yes |
Format |
Pre-recorded webinar to implement ecological design concepts in various landscapes |
Presenter |
Industry Expert |
US State Approvals
LA CES Approved |
Yes |
States: AK, AL, AR, CT, DC, DE, FL, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MD, MN, MI, MO, MS, NE, NH, NJ, NV, NM, OH, OK, OR, PA, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, WA, WI, WV, WY |
Yes |
North Carolina |
Yes |
Florida |
Yes |
New York |
*** |
GA, MI and MN |
Yes |
Canada Provinces and Territories
British Columbia |
Yes, per reciprocity with LA CES |
Ontario |
Yes, per reciprocity with LA CES |
Course curriculum
Watch the Video
About this course
- $29.95
- 3 lessons
- 1 hour of video content