Course Description and Credit Information

Course Description:

More than 500 jurisdictions at the local, regional, and state levels are now using Complete Streets policies to plan, construct and operate streets that safely accommodate all users -- including transit riders, bicyclists, pedestrians of all ages and abilities, and drivers. These policies are helping to build stronger local economies, attract businesses, and support healthier and safer communities.

This course tackles streets, the issues, challenges, and efforts given by the local government to improved their quality, and in effect improving the safety and welfare of the public. The case studies presented highlight the cities of Charlotte and West Virginia. The presenters offer an in-depth look at the situations of the streets in their respective areas and how they affect the public, as well as policies, systems, and solutions developed to address these issues.

Learning Objectives:

1. For participants to have an insight of the issues that minor and major streets are facing in general.

2. Understand how these issues on streets can affect public safety and welfare.

3. Learn the different methods and policies that can be applied to address these issues.

General Course Information






Pre-recorded webinar of the streets can affect public safety and welfare


Industry Expert


US State Approvals

LA CES Approved


States: AK, AL, AR, CT, DC, DE, FL, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MD, MN, MI, MO, MS, NE, NH, NJ, NV, NM, OH, OK, OR, PA, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, WA, WI, WV, WY


North Carolina




New York
***Each licensee is responsible for determining if this course meets the state requirements


GA, MI, and MN  
**Explanation: There is no process to get courses pre-approved in your state, but there should be no issues getting this course approved.
If not approved, we will exchange it for another course or provide a full refund.

**See explanation


Canada Provinces and Territories

British Columbia

Yes, per reciprocity with LA CES


Yes, per reciprocity with LA CES

Course curriculum

    1. Watch the Video

    1. Quiz

    1. Survey

About this course

  • $44.92
  • 3 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content