How to take a Course from Start to Certificate


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Frequently Asked Questions
Yes! We are an LA CES approved online education provider.
Option 1: Click on the Continuing Education Courses menu item at the top of the website, then click on where you are licensed. If a course shows up there , it is approved for your license location. *NY licensee's see the FAQ on NY licensees Option 2: On every course description page there is a table which states where the course is approved.
1. Go to, and sign in (upper right corner) 2. Click your name in the upper right corner and in the drop down menu, click “My Account” 3. Click “Profile”, and you can add the numbers and make sure to save the changes.
The course must be approved for the location of your license and meet any state specific requirements such as: is it HSW, etc? Watch the webinar. Take the quiz and pass it with min. 75% score. Take the Survey. All items on the left must have a green check mark on them for them to show as complete. See image below.
Sign in at Click on “My Dashboard” in the upper left area Above the courses there is a dropdown that will give you the option to see your courses that fall into the following categories: All, Expired, Completed, and In Progress.
1. Go to, and sign in (upper right corner) 2. Click your name in the upper right corner and in the drop down menu, click “My Account” 3. Click the appropriate category on the menu that appears.
Yes, we do for 5 or more LAs. If you email [email protected], and let us know how many LAs need courses and for which states they are licensed we can see what we can do.
DO NOT use "Internet Explorer, or Microsoft edge" as a browser. These browsers are full of glitches that will cause all sorts of weird random issues. You can use "Safari", "Chrome", Mozilla" , or just about any other browser, just not internet explorer or microsoft edge.
LA CES is the section of the ASLA that reviews and ensures our courses and practices meet their standards so that you get credit for your courses.
The state of NY board of education accepts LA CES approved courses , as long as it meets their criteria. One of the criteria is that it is LA CES approved. All of our continuing education courses are LA CES approved. Next criteria is that the content of the course is consistent with landscape architecture. Unfortunately, they do not allow us to get our courses pre-approved and state that it is the responsibility of the licensee to ensure it meets the criteria. But how can other course providers say their courses are NY approved: They can't , legally according to the NY board of education. Never has one of our courses been denied by New York or any other state. ISDM does not think that you should have to pay for a course that for any reason does not meet their requirements once submitted. Hence, if a course is ever not approved by NY and it is under our NY course category, we will give you a full refund or offer you a different course.
We submit courses approximately on the 1st and 15th of each month, and more frequently when deadlines are close. You are always welcome to take your certificates located in the “My account” section and submit them to your individual state, if they allow that.
Click on any individual course the “View Course” button, and then all these items will be listed in the course description area table . Health , Safety, Welfare is abbreviated as HSW.
Please review the information provided by the ASLA at the link below as a guideline, but make sure to contact your state licensing board to confirm the information. Click Here to see the ASLA guidance on your licensee locations requirements
1. Go to, and sign in (upper right corner) 2. Click your name in the upper right corner and in the drop down menu, click “My Account” 3. Click “Profile”, and you can add the numbers and make sure to save the changes.
If you have questions or issues that we can help you with, please feel free to email us at: [email protected] . We will be back in touch within 24 working hours at the latest, but it's usually within hours.